Network pentest

How many systems are in the corporate network? Often it is not known or some have been forgotten. Being sure that no system can be hacked is therefore often not possible.
Sometimes it is as simple as the smart bulbs to your server network, hackers use what they come across. So it’s important to make sure that all devices on your network are secure. A network pentest is an effective tool to find and plug the holes in your network. We find these leaks with our own developed NetCaptain. As experienced hackers, we have bundled our favorite tools into a super scanner. Servers, printers, websites and workstations, everything is thoroughly examined.
But a scan alone is not a pentest. In addition to the results NetCaptain provides, our ethical hackers go to work identifying the risks that can really hurt your business. Want continued visibility into the security of your business network? With a NetCaptain license, you can continue to test the security of your server network every day.


Network pentests performed

✓ Three steps to assurance

✓ Seeing what a hacker sees

✓ In-depth investigation with a clear report

✓ Conducted by our ethical hackers

✓ Insight into network and IT infrastructure vulnerabilities

✓ More than 10 years of experience