are you cyber-safe?

Increase your Cyber resilience in 2024? Claim before January 1, 2024 your discount:

    Voor welke dienst(en) wil jij je korting claimen?*

    Website Security Check

    Is Your Website Resistant to Hackers? Get a Website Security Check. Our experts quickly identify all the vulnerabilities that hackers gratefully exploit and also tell you how to fix them.

    Phishing Campaign

    Every 30 seconds, someone accidentally clicks on a Phishing email. How aware are your employees really? Test this with our Phishing Campaign and make your people a strong line of defense against Phishing attacks.

    Cyber Awareness Training

    IT policymakers are afraid of becoming yet another victim of the endless number of attacks that occur daily. 90% of all misery starts with ignorant employees, therefore teach your employees to be resilient against hackers book our cyber awareness training today.